Green & Pink Mini-Vase Rose Passion
$345.00Celebrating the exquisiteness of roses, the Green & Pink Mini-Vase Rose Passion displays lively hues and sumptuous patterns.
Rose Passion Vase
$1,890.00The ornate look of Rose Passion Vase makes it an outstanding crystal glassware to impart a romantic ambiance to intimate evenings.
Roses Candleholder
$1,270.00Setting an indulgent, romantic ambiance with its delicate pattern and design, the Roses Candleholder is perfect for date nights.
Roses Large Pink et Green Vase
$8,910.00Amicably arresting the refined beauty of roses, the Roses Large Pink et Green Vase flaunts exquisite design patterns.
Roses Pink Dish
$3,260.00Playing with romantic hues and imperial patterns, the Roses Pink Dish is a strikingly elegant centerpiece.
Roses Pink Footed Bowl
$6,530.00The crisp and delicate patterns of Roses Pink Footed Bowl transports you to a refreshing spring morning filled with fragrance and colors.
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