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Home Ideas

Top 5 Benefits of Working from Home During Pause

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a majority of people working from home worldwide. For WFH newbies, it can be a bit unnerving. Loss of productivity, numerous distractions, security issues and lack of communication are some of the main concerns. While they are valid, work-from-home doesn’t come without its pros. All you need to do is to dose up on self-discipline, have a dedicated space and motivate yourself to be productive. Granted it is easier said than done… But let’s focus on the bright side. Here are the top 5 benefits of working from home shared by WFH-veterans.

1. Flexibility

As long as you are effectively getting all the work done in time, WFH offers you the liberty of sticking to your own schedule. Work flexible hours – be an early bird or a night owl – there is no one bossing you around. You can make a timetable to allow yourself free weekends devoid of any added labor. Easily put 8 hours in each day, have lunch whenever you want and still have plenty of time to do some laundry and unwind in front of the TV. You will notice that it eventually improves work-life balance that we all struggle to achieve. It is one of the top ​benefits of working from home. But hey, don’t miss the deadlines and communicate!

2. No Commute at All

Ask anyone and they are bound to mention that one of the biggest disadvantages of going to work is the daily commute. WFH means no more traffic jams and rush hours, blaring horns, fatigue and a grumpy mood when you finally arrive home. Cutting out commute means you have more time for yourself. Moreover, it is quite cost-effective because you won’t have to bear expenses such as gas, mileage, and public transport fares. Enjoy the benefits of working from home and bid farewell to the arduous journey home that completely drains you.

3. Zero Office Distractions

Rejoice, introverts! This is your chance to bloom in your own work sanctuary. One of the benefits of working from home is that you no longer have to face any office distractions. Be it an extremely talkative colleague ready to tackle you down with their eager words, a micromanaging boss hovering over you or even the shenanigans caused by Jim and Dwight of your workplace, there are simply no office-related diversions and intrusions in your home office.

4. Cost-Effective

There is a benefit of working from home that no one seems to talk about. It somehow proves to be rather cost-effective. Firstly, you will totally cut out the cost of commute. Secondly, you will cut back on small expenses that are usually overlooked. They can include a cup of coffee or two from Starbucks, a quick bite from the local deli, paying for office space, utilities and maintenance if you run a business, and of course, a spectacular wardrobe upgrade every now and then.

5. A Cozy Cocoon

Remember when you forgot your cardigan at home and the AC was cranked up too high? It was freezing that day! Work from home lets you be productive without compromising on your comfort. Adjust the heat and cooling to your liking, ditch the pants and wear your softest PJs, and even put on some of your favorite music if it is not causing any distractions.

Now that you know the benefits of working from home, it is time to set up your WFH office. Tidy up the desk and place some neat leather desk accessories, put on memos on colorful post-it notes, and personalize your workspace based on your preferences.

For more home office decoration tips, here are Unique Leather Desk Accessories for Your Home Office!


